
PR Book Release: Random Musings from the Left Hemisphere by Mike Joyner


Joyner Outdoor Media Proudly Announces the Book Release of Random Musings of The Left Hemisphere by Mike Joyner

CORTLAND, N.Y. – April 19, 2023 – The author’s latest book release is a collection of random musings made over the past decade in response to the many societal skirmishes and forays of maligned and upside-down positions taken by increasingly radical liberals and leftists of a divided country. The book features personal reflections and personal testimony of bearing witness to a profound event of survival. The new release is currently available in paperback, hardcover, and Kindle.

Publisher’s Summary – “Random Musings of The Left Hemisphere” is a collection of personal opinions, reflections, and epiphanies gained from decades of hands-on living. A worldview fully grounded in compassion and sound reasoning is expressed that in stark contrast, refutes common false narratives perpetuated by the far left, academia, and a sympathetic media that has abandoned professional journalism in favor of activism and influencer self-gratification. We are over-saturated with utopian thesis-driven views formulated in a vacuum and regurgitated in never-ending echo chambers.

The latest offering from the author is a unique departure from his well-known outdoor book titles. A random glimpse into the thoughts, and observations of a left hemisphere dominant thinker. As an engineer, awarded worldwide patents, a passionate outdoorsman, and conservative by nature, these attributes are a natural fit for the project. The reader will find a frank and honest rendering of ideas and observations to ponder and consider.

Hardcover, paperback books, and Kindle – available now on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C2R2ST1Q

Joyner can be made available for media requests by emailing: info@joynerourdoormedia.com

For further information on the author: www.mikejoyner.com


© 2023 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

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A preemptive disclaimer- There is no sugar coating it, no regard for moderate positions, compromise, or apologists in this commentary. For those offended, not sorry, don’t let the door slap you on the ass on the way out. We cannot be sidetracked by the likability of the truth or the notion of being politically correct. This is an updated commentary from prior election cycles and we need to do far better.

A gratuitous ‘Yes’ response serves no one unless followed by conservative/constitutional core principles put into action. As a whole, gun owners, hunters, archers, trappers, competition shooters, and sportsmen in New York State fail miserably. Despite a large demographic and cross-section of the population, we effectively neuter ourselves each election cycle, and there is no valid reason to justify that being the case

To be fair, there are those among us that vote, participate in the political process, petition, and spread the word, you know who you are and this commentary is not intended to insult your sensibilities. Sadly too many sit on their hands when push comes to shove.

Despite the fly-by-night passages of the ‘Safe Act,’ and the emotional knee-jerk reaction of the stand in governor’s “Safe Act II,” an egregious assault on second amendment rights and further restriction on law-abiding citizens, our King ‘C’ was reelected with little opposition by our ranks. Shall we sit on our hands for the emotionally driven radical Hochul that replaced him? We literally had the numbers to vote the bastard out, but could not bother to show up and vote. Does all this sound too harsh? I have expectations of my fellow sportsmen and gun owners to stand up against this naked tyranny. It starts at the voting booth.

We tolerate increasing restrictions pertaining to gun rights, hunting, fishing, and trapping and we are being dictated to by those that have little to no understanding or working knowledge and generally allow us to pay our way while putting a virtual thumb on every aspect of our activities and inalienable rights. It is also to our further dismay that those that are bent on removing the first and second amendments and ending all hunting and fishing get ample access to our political system and yet we are far too apathetic. As a group, we allow this as we decry downstate politics. Sorry, but it’s total bullshit. We failed to see it through.

It is plain and simple. Why do we care in New York?  New York in all its levels of government will waste no time in harassing us, even when faced with supreme court decisions. Despite knowing that they will be struck down for unconstitutional offenses, they would rather waste time and money just to keep a jackboot on our necks…

We decry that downstate dictates all things within the state politics and laws that are passed. In the case of issues of interest to gun owners and sportsmen, there is simply no truth to it.  In the prior election had just firearm owners voted in mass, Cuomo would have been defeated. There is no plausible excuse for this had we voted consistently. Should we vote as a group, in mass, infringements on our rights including the first and second amendments, our beloved pursuits would see a return as unpinged and free from the constant assault and harassment that we continue to endure. There is much to be upended, reversed, null/voided, and restored.

If you do give a damn about your rights and freedoms and that of your loved ones, your children, your grandchildren, your neighbors, and your brethren, the passive response, sitting out elections is not a responsible choice, and you must exercise your rights as a citizen.

We cannot afford to continue letting others do our bidding… See you at the voting booth?


© 2022 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

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Sportsmen & Gun owners- CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS Matter to you on Nov 3rd 2020?

Let’s Start with: HELL YES…

A ‘Yes’ response serves no one as lip service when it comes down to making a real difference. Core principles put to action is the only action that matters in your voices and your participation in the election process.  We are learning first hand in real time with the supreme court that who wins elections has far reaching impact. The reaffirmation of the second and even the first amendment may be rightfully corrected in my lifetime.

Voting has started in some states, and if you are of legal age, eligible to vote you need to be registered and cast your ballot. To check deadlines to register click on the following: https://www.vote.org/voter-registration-deadlines/

I will not tell you what party to affiliate with, or whom you should vote for. I strongly suggest you look up each candidate, each party, and research their platform, their positions, and most importantly their past voting records and history. Too many change and flip flop to gain votes. We need steadfast constitutionalists, representing us as stewards of our constitution and champions of the first and second amendment rights we hold dear

The mainstream media, Facebook, Google, Twitter, youtube, and other social media actively steer your feeds and searches and what is presented to you on the first pages of your searches, Be mindful that others will forcefully tell you what is fact and what is not. It is evident the fact-checkers are also suspect. There is too much at stake and all the stops are being pulled. As opponents of our positions are happy in the adoption of the ends justify the means to gut the first and second amendments, disarm us, and to end hunting and fishing as dictated by special interest groups.

As a whole, gun owners, hunters, archers, trappers competition shooters, and sportsmen in our grand union and especially in New York State fail miserably in casting ballots, despite a large demographic and cross-section of the population in the nation and the Empire State.  If it is not our responsibility who then should this be assigned to,? Leftest Democrats bent on a single-party rule, Marxists, Socialists, Radical Facisists? Political parties make strategic calculations based on mediocre participation and furthers the lack of respect of us by those we send to Washington to represent our concerns and core values.

To be fair, there are those among us that vote with firm conviction, educated on the issues, and especially on those candidates professed to protect our first and second amendment rights. You know who you are and it is not intended to disparage your good efforts.

We are being browbeaten and dictated to by those that have no understanding or working knowledge of history, the second amendment, sustainable wildlife conservation, and yet allow us to pay our way while putting a virtual knee on our necks in every aspect of our activities and inalienable rights.

The same folks that are quick to assert their first amendment rights are the very same that are bent on removing the first and second amendments for conservatives, those who refuse to kneel in front of them. 

As a group, we allow this as we decry downstate and national politics. Sorry, but it’s total bullshit. We failed to see it through. Do we allow by the stroke of a pen to declare firearm owners felons by merely owning a legally purchased firearm? It can be argued that treason is being committed against the citizens of our country and entirely unconstitutional on its face.

The framers intended that the second amendment be written purposely to defend against a tyrannical government and acts of treason upon us. It is that plain and simple. 

None of us alive today were born into servitude or as serfs to kings whom we broke away from in our founding. If you give a damn about your rights and freedoms and that of your loved ones, your neighbors, your brethren, the passive response, sitting out elections is not a responsible choice, and you must exercise your rights as a citizen.

We cannot afford to sit back and continue letting others do our bidding…

© 2020 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

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Identify Your Political Affiliation As A Turkey Hunter


  • It’s the middle of the second week of the spring season in Upstate NY.
  • You are hunting state land and hear six, possibly eight different gobblers early morning. After several volleys of nonstop gobbling, you determine they all are very close to each other. You make your moves to close the distance.
  • Each call you make is drowned out by thunderous gobbles. As you close the distance you find they are just a hundred yards away on private land.
  • With a grove of pine trees in front of you, you close to within fifty yards undetected. You also know the land drops down to the valley not much further out beyond the pines. You make the softest purr you can muster, eight strutting long beards gobble so hard your pants wave.
  • In all the excitement you just now notice (except the dufus republican, and the conservative too focused on gobbling) to the far left of your setup there’s a 50-gallon drum painted in camo hung up against a big maple tree limb with a feeder motor. There is corn everywhere, there is also a 5′ high fenced enclosure just beyond the pines that leads to the farm below
  • Eight strutting long beards appear. They drop strut into a dead run towards the feeder.


Anarchist- You have in your hands, the fastest cycling semi auto 12 gauge ever made. You fire two custom made (on the black market) fragmentation rounds. All eight gobblers are flattened at the blast. You avoid the police, the conservation officers which are called as the blast is heard throughout the valley. You have a backup plan to kill them all, should events not go as planned. They’ll never take you alive. No tags are used or reported.

Democrat- Hunting? Firearms? It should be banned, after taxing it to death for twenty years. You back out, hatch a plan with the DNC, US AG, and the FBI. You pay for a full jacked up documentation package. Next day you sneak back using a silencer and poach them all as they show up at the first cluck. You destroy all evidence and lay out a two-year investigation blaming Trump Jr. as a hedonist animal killer. Despite the elaborate efforts you still lose out on 1st place at the local spring turkey contest scoring and weigh in.

Republican– Landowner at work? You shoot two, sneak back over to state land, report your tags. Post like mad on Facebook. You then spend the next two years defending Trump Jr.  You take 1st for beard, spurs, and weight. Rumors take on appearances as facts. You pick up your trophies leaving in a hurry and go on the fishing trip you just won…

Libertarian- Do not give it a second thought, shoot two gobblers, get out. Nobody’s business, tags are not reported

Conservative- You see the posted signs, you swear a bit, back up, set up and proceed to call in a gobbler from your right flank, and shoot. The birds out in front would not budge, not even to your $200 box call. They gobbled nonstop while you walked back to the truck. You tag and report. You go back a few days later hoping to call one off the property or until all the ruckus stirs one up from further down the ridge like before. Not a clue about the feeder until you hear it go off at 7AM. A pile of jakes show up at the feeder on cue. Mad as hell about the feeder, you leave. As you walk out in the daylight you notice the scattering of blood and feathers around the feeder. You get out of there and never look back. You have no clue about the enclosure until somebody at the diner accuses you of shooting a farm bird. You didn’t but now you are mad as hell, and damn sure it’s a liberal democrat that set you up. You decide to lay low, not enter the contest…

Green Party- all hunters should be arrested for felony crimes against humanity. except you of course…

It is expected that turkey hunters have a sense of humor given the daily doses of humility in any given season. Little bit of eye poking at at our crazy politics.


© 2019 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

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