
PR Book Release: Random Musings from the Left Hemisphere by Mike Joyner


Joyner Outdoor Media Proudly Announces the Book Release of Random Musings of The Left Hemisphere by Mike Joyner

CORTLAND, N.Y. – April 19, 2023 – The author’s latest book release is a collection of random musings made over the past decade in response to the many societal skirmishes and forays of maligned and upside-down positions taken by increasingly radical liberals and leftists of a divided country. The book features personal reflections and personal testimony of bearing witness to a profound event of survival. The new release is currently available in paperback, hardcover, and Kindle.

Publisher’s Summary – “Random Musings of The Left Hemisphere” is a collection of personal opinions, reflections, and epiphanies gained from decades of hands-on living. A worldview fully grounded in compassion and sound reasoning is expressed that in stark contrast, refutes common false narratives perpetuated by the far left, academia, and a sympathetic media that has abandoned professional journalism in favor of activism and influencer self-gratification. We are over-saturated with utopian thesis-driven views formulated in a vacuum and regurgitated in never-ending echo chambers.

The latest offering from the author is a unique departure from his well-known outdoor book titles. A random glimpse into the thoughts, and observations of a left hemisphere dominant thinker. As an engineer, awarded worldwide patents, a passionate outdoorsman, and conservative by nature, these attributes are a natural fit for the project. The reader will find a frank and honest rendering of ideas and observations to ponder and consider.

Hardcover, paperback books, and Kindle – available now on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C2R2ST1Q

Joyner can be made available for media requests by emailing: info@joynerourdoormedia.com

For further information on the author: www.mikejoyner.com


© 2023 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

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New York Sportsmen & Gun Owners- Give a Damn about Constitutional Rights?

The expected answer would be yes, hell yes, of course, without question…

A preemptive disclaimer- There is no sugar coating it, no regard for moderate compromise or apologists in this commentary. For those offended, not sorry. We cannot be sidetracked about the likability of the truth or the notion of being politically correct.

An automatic ‘Yes’ response serves no one when it comes down to ideology, core principles put to action. As a whole, gun owners, hunters, archers, trappers competition shooters and sportsmen in New York State fail miserably. Despite a large demographic and cross section of the population in the Empire State, we effectively neuter ourselves and there is no valid reason to justify that being the case

To be fair, there are those among us that vote, participate in the political process, petition and spread the word, you know who you are and it is not intended to insult your sensibilities. Sadly too many sit on their hands when push comes to shove.

Despite the fly by night passage of the ‘Safe Act,’ an egregious assault on second amendment rights and further restriction on law abiding citizens, Our Governor was reelected with little opposition by our ranks.

We tolerate increasing restrictions by the state, counties and towns in firearm laws and those pertaining to hunting, fishing and trapping and we are being dictated to by those that have little to no understanding or working knowledge and generally allow us to pay our way while putting a virtual thumb on every aspect of our activities and inalienable rights. It is also to our further dismay that those that are bent on removing the first and second amendments and to end all hunting and fishing get ample access to our political system and yet we are far too apathetic. As a group we allow this as we decry downstate politics. Sorry, but it’s total bullshit. We failed to see it through.

All eyes are on Virginia for a possible showdown between a tyrannical governor/administration and second amendment rights. Calls for violent confrontation are more frequent and alarming. 85 of Virginia’s 95 counties have declared themselves as Second Amendment sanctuaries, modeled after immigration sanctuaries which are the unintended outcome of defying federal law.  When by the stroke of a pen you declare firearm owners felons by merely owning a legally purchased firearm, it will end badly if it is not struck down. It can be argued that treason is being committed against the citizens of Virginia and entirely unconstitutional on its face.

The framers intended that the second amendment be written purposely to defend against a tyrannical government and acts of treason upon us. It is that plain and simple. One can reasonably argue that Virginia is on a collision course here. New York, California and a few others are predicted to follow suit.

Why do we care in New York?  You can be sure that what happens in Virginia if successful in taking away these rights, New York in all its levels of government will follow suite and waste no time in doing so. As such, only one county in NY has followed the examples in Virginia in declaring themselves a Second Amendment Sanctuary. One has to ask why only one? Are we asleep at the wheel?

Getting back to the assertion that we do not act in mass as a Tour de Force…

For decades as a group we decry that downstate dictates all things within the state politics and laws that are passed. In the case of issues of interest to gun owners and sportsmen there is simply no truth to it.  In the past election had just firearm owners voted in mass, Cuomo would have been defeated by an 700K-1.1M margin depending on what numbers you believe. There is no plausible excuse, especially if all gun owners, hunters, fisherman, trappers, archers voted consistently. Had we or in the future vote as a group, in mass, infringements on our rights including first and second amendments, our beloved pursuits would see a return as unpinged and free from the constant assault and harassment that we continue to endure. There is much to be upended, reversed, null/voided and restored.

On social media we present ourselves as all badass, full of bravado… cold dead hands before ever surrendering… Sounds good, seen the movie… How many will cut and run at the first shots fired, as the first bodies hit the ground? Surely not the best outcome we might all agree. Clamoring for a civil war means many atrocities, countless dead, and families forever torn apart and irreparably changed. No reasoned person wants this as we view life as priceless. If we believe in living as free persons of this country, neglecting to vote is irresponsible.

If this social media warrior energy, bravado were redirected to the voting booth, the political process, we might affect change that is needed and not fast enough I might add. It may end up with the Supreme Court squashing this before critical mass. Without regard to that outcome, we can act together collectively and suspend the infighting and bickering to save what is most important and dear to us.

None of us alive today were born into servitude or as serfs to kings whom we broke away from in our founding. If you do give a damn about your rights and freedoms and that of your loved ones, your neighbors, your brethren, the passive response, sitting out elections is not a responsible choice, and you must exercise your rights as a citizen.

We cannot afford to continue letting others do our bidding…


© 2019 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

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