
Turkey Hunting State of Foolishness, Other Curious Observations

For followers of old school turkey hunting, infantrymen, lieutenants of the 10th Legion, a casual take on the current generation of local pro’s, and outspoken Facebook warriors. It is a chuckle to have a poke at the far too often overly animated foolishness of what is currently promoted, especially in social media, outdoor shows and turkey hunting TV shows.

Disclaimer: The following is to poke fun at in its entirety solely aimed at able bodied industry media, internet pro’s and TV show pro staff.  Some among our ranks do not have the physical ability, taken for granted gifts from our maker to get on a ridge waging war on gobblers at a most physical level. Personally, those that get out there despite many difficulties have my admiration, respect, and support. Blinds, decoys are ideal for those afflicted, youths, have a definite role and a useful purpose. Good setups still apply.

  • “Decoy Selfies” Maybe epic and appropriate for a snow goose hunt as the time and effort to create exquisite and effective patterns in cut corn fields might qualify for artistic copyright protection. It might not attest to the world at large your abilities that you need a week’s wages worth of plastic, foldable fabric to entice a two year old gobbler in range.
  • “Long Range Shots” When you pull the trigger on what appears to be a black dot on your $25,000 8K HD Prosumer camera or you need a lens longer than your manhood and a diameter to match your slate call to fill up the frame you might want to switch to a rifle. It will be our little secret to not mention in public the half dozen long beards you crippled or dusted the mites off of last week. At least you got some excellent ‘B” roll for intros and scenic footage.
  • “TSS or go Home” The latest must have… Why use a $2-$3 shell that flattens them at 40 yards when you can spend $8? Just how dead is dead? Please donate all your free cash to noble charities. Those that shoot at close and personal distances can actually kill a gobbler on his own terms in a good setup.
  • “Reaping and Fanning” Really digging the filmed misses from being too close and chaotic gun handling when the gobbler rushes the fan/decoy nearly spurring you in the jewels. Educational to show the public how you can point your shotgun in all the wrong directions and walk away from it. We do appreciate the challenge over a calm, smooth squeeze in taking the shot. What could go wrong?
  • “Dirt Nap Selfies” Who thought this was a great idea to start with? Not really a good look. Precursor to bestiality? Turkey love? We’ll just stop there on that one.
  • Half hour TV show with roughly 12-18 minutes of hunting related footage, of which is endless mentions of products and sponsors. You do not have a show, it’s an infomercial, an extended commercial, interrupted with…. Commercials.  I’ve seen it done where you can actually tell a story without naming every company that gave you product in alternating paragraphs. You can also take a series of hunt pictures other than obligatory commitments without it appearing as a floor display at Cabela’s.
  • “10” Circle”  What turkey nogg’n other than from prehistoric periods would you ever need to cover that as a target? If a gobbler closes the distance needing that big a pattern, I’ll need a bigger gun, maybe a bazooka or fragmenting ordinance. Since when are we wing shooting turkeys in flight regularly? 3” covers point of aim rather well. At what point did we focus on penetration-punching thin air?
  • “Resurgence Of Customer Call Makers”   Split observation as there are many with decades of excellence of artistry, improving and building upon their craft. A look on Facebook and Ebay would suggest that $200 worth of tools from Amazon, China  and the finest lumber from home depot and you can achieve snobbery elitism  in 3…2…1   Instant gratification without effort.
  • “Face Painting” We’re not talking Navy Seals or sniper ops. If it’s your girlfriend, love of your life, yes we are accustomed to the practice. Let’s face it we enjoy women looking their best in hunting photo’s, on camera. Guys can pull off the sleep deprived two day stubble as the rugged look. If it’s your bro, fellow hunting partner, you have a girlfriend. A $4 facemask works.
  • “Old School $$ Envy”  $2,000 custom antique shotgun, $200 micro polished choke, $8 shells, $400 box call from the 70’s, designer head to toe camo in original tree bark (very pricey) Sits in a blind with $600 worth of plastic and a strutter decoy out in front. Total old school as they tell it and writes a 3,500 word story on each and every epic battle in the “deep woods and ridges”
  • “Covered up in decals and patches”  You spend boat loads of money to have the latest 3D HD ultra-permanent  dyes in your camo gear, camo clad guns to only cover them up in branding/product decals in the most brightest colors.  We have names for that; smart, pragmatic hunter is not among them. Also see: “All Product, No Story”
  • “Victory Dance” We understand you finally outsmarted the most evil turkey this side of the Rocky Mountains. A deep humbling respect for your quarry might not be the message here, no matter what the script on the teleprompter says or how much you say it on ‘B’ roll.


© 2019 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

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Social Media A Great Tool For Hunters?

There are several ways one could hit the ground and run with this. Anti-hunting advocates vs hunters are one aspect of social media online to dive into. You might win the hearts and minds of non-hunters with principled ideas, rational behavior, any and all of the great things we love about our impassioned time-honored way of life. As to the anti-hunting crowd, you might find other more constructive things to do. Rational, sound logical reasoning falls on deaf ears of those unable to think beyond the propaganda, the overhyped irrational emotional responses. It is a telling picture to see such unhinged individuals crying and screaming in the streets. As a hunter, you can be assured of outbursts of pure rage against a legal activity, an instinctive natural way of eating and surviving as further back than biblical scholars can find as well as scientists who chronicle the story of evolution.

My thoughts for today’s wanderings lead me to social media vs hunters. A recent post concerning ‘real’ women hunters vs camo bikini-clad wanna-be female pro staffers gave me pause as to why with all the great attributes of instant communications do some within our hunting community subscribe to the worse attributes of social media that are typically displayed by our anti-hunting foes?

To those of us that lay claim to bearing some semblance of adult-like behavior, enjoy the company of fellow hunters, and not suffering sociopathic tendencies there is much to enjoy and take advantage of Facebook, Instagram, and any other of the choices of online communities to connect with each other.

I’ll lay claim that I barely squeak by in fitting it with the ‘normal, socially adjusted group.’ In doing so I will list what I think are the main positives associated with the online experience.

• With a little effort and time, online one can quickly seek and find like-minded hunters to any level of specialty that you want to hook up with. My passions are turkey hunting, and deer hunting, archery, rifle/shotgun/pistol shooting. Easy to find folks that share my interests. Many friends and friendly acquaintances can be made. If you singularly focus on hunting with 1800’s era flintlock firearms wearing only period-correct clothing you are in luck as you will find your tribe.
• As with news in general, anything outdoor-related, happening in the world down to your hometown can be learned that week, much of it the day that it occurs. New products, records broken, Changes in seasons and regulations, weather conditions.
• Sharing of stories, sharing or pictures afield soon after returning home or in the field as it happens. Facebook a post that you sunk your 4×4 to the axles while getting your elk out will rally the troops to your rescue. You can blame your truck and swear profusely on live Facebook for additional effect.
• Social media can be a great tool for researching your future hunts, outfitters, things to see and do on your next adventure. Personal contacts give you a much better insight.

Personally, I love having such great friends online (whom I have spent time with in hunt camp), to learn their stories, to share mine. Same with pics from successful hunts or the scenes so breathtaking you just have to capture it. Facebook has been great to meet up on hunts, meet up while traveling. I try to learn from what other successful hunters do and share amongst us. I enjoy seeing the pics, especially those that took the time to make a great pic in respect of their quarry. As much as I like the efficiency of the online experience and at any hour. It does not replace what you get from a phone call or time shared together. I view social media as a useful tool to embellish my experiences that I have with those I have had the privilege to spend time with but do not live close enough to see frequently.

What is it with some of our ranks that are compelled to eat our own? The downside of the social media experience is the emboldened behavior of keyboard trolls that lack social graces that help us all get along. I’m not going to distract with a lengthy discussion on sociopaths or anti-social behavior. Is it reasonable to put up with such ill-mannered, fragile egos or those bent on tearing other fellow hunters down? It takes only a single picture of a record book deer or a monster gobbler to attract the worse responses. Even pictures of kids after a successful hunt will gain uncivil responses. I expect that from the anti-hunting zealots, not fellow hunters.

I’ve been accused of “eating our own” by opposing turkey hunters over my position on reaping or fanning methods despite clear reasoning on safety issues and what I regard as unreasonable risks in many (not all) turkey hunting scenarios. Even after consistently acknowledging how exciting the method is, I am labeled an elitist for my opposition. There are many forms or styles of hunting that I do not participate in or find alluring. As such I read those stories and enjoy the after-hunt pictures like I do others. On matters of safety, I am not one to compromise. As to what bow you use, or what specific caliber bullet you shoot, whether you sit in a blind all day or hunt ridges as I may do, I don’t have the urge to criticize you because it may not be my preferred choice. Let’s skip that nonsense and tell me of your epic story.

With the prior blog posting I saw this morning concerning female hunters or huntresses as mentioned, it causes me to comment on where this comes from, the source if you will. The frustration that is becoming more visible within our ranks does come from the over marketing, the overzealous behavior of prostaff, huntresses, TV hunting shows, game call companies, and the list goes on at the irritation of the hunting community, a market segment they are hoping to gain an audience with.

As to huntresses, I have only a few brief observations. I know many women who hunt, have been for many years, and as hardcore as any male hunter, I have shared camp with. I find that female hunters, in general, to be more conscientious, more deliberate in their shooting, less likely to take risks. In that, they show the concept of huntress in a very good light. I am pleased to see more moms and their kids join our ranks as well as single women. Always welcomed in any camp I may attend. The whole thing with sex’d up camo pinup models that appear to be pampered, fully catered huntresses is to be expected in the old marketing model that sex sells just about anything. In my opinion, I think that once you take away all the pampering, the glamor shots you are left with little of the experience of being self-sufficient and being immersed in the turkey woods is lost in favor of a thong. Some of the same mentality applies to male celebrity hunters who are known to be lost themselves without a fully catered hunt.

It is nearly impossible to watch a thirty-minute hunting show without it being saturated with commercials and the storyline constantly pulled back at every turn to hawk a product. As a medium for hunters to learn from, to enjoy, it fails miserably as a nonstop infomercial in the guise of a hunting show. It is a business model that compromises the viewer’s enjoyment over ad space sold.

As with the over-marketing that is rampant with TV shows it is just as much a part of the dialog that occurs on Facebook, Instagram, and others. With that comes the emphasis of who has the most likes, the most Facebook friends. It has become so absurd, to the point it was posted on Facebook that a hunter made the claim that they were a better hunter because they had more likes? Difficult to wrap any logic around that. Having reached the 5K limit on Facebook, I have yet to enjoy that arousal of “better than thou hunter” that I am told about. I worked at it over a long period of time to broaden my base of possible readers of books I have published and will publish in the future. Efforts with my keyboard help make that happen, what abilities or skills I do have in the turkey woods are from lessons learned from time afield, from hunting with others, and for me, it has been many hours over many seasons.

The competitive nature of some of us produces an unhealthy interaction, focused on numbers, not people. I am concerned with being a ‘good hunter’ as I believe you are. I am also concerned with being a ‘better hunter’ when compared to myself five years ago. Whatever measure you wish. If we all strive to be good hunters then may our freezers be full. Is it not fair, a good thought that we all try each day to be better as people, as hunters?

What I see occurring in the realm of social media is the parallel, the concept of TV ratings becoming a parameter in which we measure ourselves on Facebook, Instagram, or any of the other social media offerings. Would I lose the love of family if my friends list shrunk or likes on my posts dwindled away?

There is the danger in that should you make a mistake, honest or deliberate, it is known in such a short time by all that is nearly unmeasurable. Bad news travels fast. Commit a game violation and your hunting buds will know more about your case than you do before you return home from your trip. Poach a record book elk and by tomorrow you may be a Facebook featured post!

For those that believe a picture is worth a thousand words, it is, for the most part, a truism until one pulls it up in photoshop, and modifies it to suit ego or other less than admirable purpose. A game contest is useful for exposing such less noble attributes in hunters that sport overblown egos. Posting on social media has taken these lesser ideals and supersized them as you might expect. I’ve seen lots of turkey hunters holding up their gobblers with a bent elbow and claim 25-28lbs all day long. I have witnessed far too many gobblers that weigh no more than the average 18-19 pounds to know what the girth of the bird appears as, and span of the wing butts to know that in only a few cases does the bird actually match the claimed weight. Only in a few select areas of the country, is the average weight much higher. Such heavyweights appear as if another subspecies in the turkey woods when accurate. Deer are often posed and angles chosen to appear much larger. Photoshopping antlers is not uncommon.

Other ill social media acts include ‘borrowing’ other hunter photos for product ads or photoshopping to appear taken by another hunter. Unless the deed is executed by a skilled person excelling in photography and lighting theory as a background it is all too easy to spot where edits were done. For the more sophisticated edits, a few applied filters and exposure adjustments reveal the modified pixels.

The sins of boasting, false storytelling (ok for fisherman though) hoax photos are an offering of the dark side of social media. In of itself, it is not new, but the modern-day equivalent is much faster in producing it. The false perceived pressure of having to achieve more friends, more likes, more hits, more web traffic comes at the expense of impressing profiles of people you have never hunted with, shared a beer with, or even met on the street. In the end to fall into that trap side steps real friendships, and causes one to miss the sheer joy of time spent in the hunting grounds of their choice.

My opinion is that social media is a great tool for hunters, especially for myself as an outdoor writer/author, as with all things it is neither perfect nor the end of all things in communicating with one another. To understand it and to use it at face value is a very useful way to keep track of and share with all those that you care to include. As we refute those with less than good intentions we make it a better space to share these bits and pieces of our daily lives.


© 2017 Joyner Outdoor Media

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Turkey Reaping & Decoying- Unsafe? Irresponsible Danger? A Review…

Three years ago I penned my thoughts on Turkey Fanning, Turkey Reaping which has gained popularity by hunters and prominently shown on many Outdoor TV shows. The list includes some long-time veterans of the outdoor industry which I find surprising as most of those labeled with such a moniker have gotten there by being careful, conservative in their actions. Here’s a link to my original blog post:

Back then I stepped up on one big soapbox and said my peace. No apologies, no retractions as my thoughts have not softened or changed much on the subject. I sure rattled a few cages and there was plenty of pushback and claims that I had no proof, no such foul play has ever occurred, totally safe, an elitist, and so on…             I’ll step back up again…

Writing from a perspective of firm conviction, without conflicts of interests, or other detracting voices along comes the unfortunate truth of what I believed would be the inevitable outcome. Not against decoy use in general, but I find myself using them less as I find better ways to set up on an approaching gobbler. If there was ever something I would be all too happy to be wrong about,  it would be this subject. I ran across several stories offering evidence of how unsafe it is, which sadly I’ll get to shortly.

It is not the perspective of “my way” is better than your way. Personally, I absolutely love roosting a gobbler on a big ridge, figure him out, call him in strutting to 30 paces and outsmart him for one single last time. Lots of hunters prefer hunting the edges of fields, I generally do not, but on occasion, I will if it is on the menu that day. Hunting with different people at times, the menu and properties change. You have some hunters that find Turkey Fanning, Turkey Reaping just as alluring as I find going about it the old time-honored ways of matching wits on the gobbler’s terms. In my last remark, It is not one way is better than the other. Very easy to imagine how much you would be on edge, your heart pounding in your throat while fanning up a big old gobbler. It has to be exciting, I get that.  In all that excitement, and the snap shooting judgment that goes with it, how brief is the time to safely assess your sight picture, foreground, and background while the gobbler is making a hasty exit? In my opinion, it’s not worth the risk that comes with it.

Turkey Fanning, Turkey Reaping is absolutely effective and a high percentage way to kill wild turkeys. Plenty of outdoor hunt footage can be found on Youtube with one gobbler fooled after another using this approach.  One is labeled as an elitist (bullying tactic) for decrying this method as foolhardy and unsafe for both the practitioner and unfortunate hunter who may come upon it. Is it worth that either may shoot each other or be shot inadvertently? It is reasonable to have disdain for the unsafe scenario it sets up. Since it’s resurgence has any gun safety instructors announced their endorsement of this practice? In the rolling terrain of upstate  New York, you are at risk. Should you be out in the middle of a flat 200-acre corn field yet to be planted, not a concern.  There are a few states that now ban this method, I suspect the more wide open terrain states will not, and would not view it as problematic there.

Propping up a turkey fan affixed to your barrel, worn on your head, or out in front while moving towards a strutting gobbler triggers him to dominate everything in the field. They come a running. Is this much different than going out on the first day of deer season wearing a deer costume with a pair of 140 class antlers on your head or as an attractive doe?  I’ll buy you more than a few adult beverages if you allow me to take out an insurance policy on you with my name listed as a beneficiary.

Sure I have my preferred methods of how I hunt gobblers, I am not crazy about the choices of some hunters no more than they may of mine. But where legal, ethical, and in different places in the world where one can pursue wild turkeys, it is how it’s done, take it or leave it. I have no quarrel with that. When it comes to Turkey Fanning, Turkey Reaping it is my opinion that it is entirely unsafe with the exception of wide open fields and where rifles are illegal to use. Keep in mind we have hunters boasting of shotguns shooting effective patterns at eighty and ninety yards which is something not seen in a positive light in my view. I’ll leave that for another discussion.

As promised, and while climbing back down my ladder, here are the links to such unfortunate events including one in 2013 resulting in the death of a fellow turkey hunter. The second link is a follow-up article that mentions the fatality.

I would be perfectly happy if no such proof existed, ate my humble pie, and called it a day. Some things would be better on being wrong about it. I am a nonbeliever in calling such events “accidents” and nearly all of them could be avoided, rare exceptions noted. A form of “reapercide” we can do without…

My thoughts extend to any hunter injured or losing their life while chasing game in our great forests. Such events are stark contrasts to the beauty and wonderment of spending time in the great turkey woods.

You may or may not agree with my comments, but I do believe we can agree that we all want to come back home at noon or the end of the day with great memories from the fields and woods we so love. Whether or not we agree on this topic, I would much rather buy you a craft beer and discuss as loudly as we care to rather than send my condolences.

Be safe, shoot straight, and live well


© 2017 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

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Turkey Reaping & Decoying- Over The Top, Irresponsible Danger?

This is a subject I regret not getting to before the start of spring turkey season across our great nation this year. Having been subjected to a dangerous situation just days ago, my writings may appear preachy and from the perspective of a very tall soap box. If I rant on too much for your reading tastes, please forgive me.

When it comes to personal safety, I will not apologize. My hunting ethics may or may not be as yours, but I would assert there should be and there must be common ground in these matters. Whether this misguided practice of reaping is legal in your state or not, we have an obligation to our fellow hunters to put it bluntly- Not shoot them.

I personally use decoys in certain situations, mainly wide open hardwoods and fields with open approaches. The gobblers can see the decoys, and I am not surrounded by heavy cover nor encouraging stalking by others who would have no respect for themselves,  me or my safety. Moving up to a field edge or on a ridge to gain a calling position is one thing. Stalking hen calls or crawling up to jump up and snap shoot is unsafe and wrong on so many levels.

I am sure that I am not making friends with the decoy industry or those who strongly disagree with my assertions here (advocates of reaping). As much as I like new gear, improved products, I cannot go along with $100-$400 decoys made to be ultra realistic or done as production line taxidermy. Seriously, if you put out a taxidermy mount or one of these über expensive decoys, how is one going to explain that away at trial for a shooting incident in the turkey woods. Is it that hard to phantom someone stalking your position, spotting your latest Acme 200 Stud Strutter decoy and promptly shoot it with you possibly in the path of the shot?

The latest fad, coined “turkey reaping” is way over the top. Simply put you wear a gobbler decoy on your head or in front of, or use a cardboard version held out in front of you and stalk directly towards a gobbler. Either you move in close or a dominate bird would charge at you to run you off. You then pull up your gun or snap shoot the gobbler at close range. Does it work? You bet, as there is plenty of footage to back up the claim. In that it is impressive.

This is where I stop and put on the brakes. Fact: the method/practice is unsafe, irresponsible, unethical, reckless and oh did I mention unsafe? A form of “reapercide” we can do without…

Think of this in terms of explaining this to a non-hunter or say a judge. Wearing and or displaying a gobbler decoy while in the field or turkey woods in simple terms means that you are willing to be the target that is the main objective of turkey season.

Let me paint a very common and plausible scenario. Let’s say you are set up below the lip of a ridge in open hardwoods or a rolling pasture. Been at it since sunrise and now it’s that special time when gobbler’s hens walk off, and they are searching again. You may have your acme decoy out maybe a hen or two. Just over rise not 35 yards away you spot the top of a fan. Little by little more of the über realistic decoy appears, you see the bright head, huge full fan, but not the lower third of the bird. Three hours waiting on this moment, you’re not going to let this one slip back over the edge and disappear as they always do. BOOM!! Congrats you just killed another hunter. Maybe if you had waited he might have jumped up and shot your cool gobbler decoy, and maybe you as well.

Do I hope this happens? Absolutely not, but I’d bet a crisp $100 bill that it will, sooner than later. Is there any justification to risk so much for any game animal? A gobbler? I think not. I can not nor will not accept the premise that one can offer a reasonable argument that the risks outweighs the rewards, that jumping up or snap shooting gives the shooter reasonable time or sight picture to ascertain a safe background before squeezing the trigger.

Do any of us need to punch a tag that bad that we’ll resort to risking our own safety or that of others? This is a worst case scenario for gun safety instructors and I have yet to see their endorsement of this practice.

This is all legal to do in many states, and it is always the case of playing catch up with new things as they come about. We as sportsmen do not require catching up for ethics and being diligent about gun/hunting safety. I ask each of you to ponder what I have brought up here and voice your opinions. If you come to the same or similar conclusion as I, let your wildlife agencies know, and hopefully ban this practice, save someone’s life or from suffering a life altering injury.

The satisfaction of fooling, outwitting a narly old gobbler to your setup based on good calling as needed, using great knowledge of the turkeywoods, and not needing all these gimmicks is a great experience to be had. We sorely need to get past the onslaught of irresponsible marketing of these companies and get back to basics.

As a side note, this was a difficult blog to write and post, as we have enough battles to wage with anti’s, and the likes of bows verses crossbows, etc. I routinely rep different companies and know that side of it as well. Business is hard enough these days, and fighting for our sport just as hard. We all get into discussions as which way is better than the other. When it comes to matters of safety and ethics, although a hard decision to speak out, it was a clear choice to make.

Be safe, shoot straight!

© 2014 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

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