
I am starkly reminded

Today, I am starkly reminded of my blessings in this life once again while roaming in the great forest of the turkey woods.

Lee, my wife of nearly 23 years, had spotted a large spring flock of two dozen+ turkeys in a field just off our property an hour before roosting time last evening. The flock would head up into our place to fly up for the night. This was particularly good news as it has been some time seeing what used to be an expected scouting event each season not so long ago. I was working late, and it is our practice to always be looking for helpful clues for each other as we do hunt separately as well as a team, especially on opening days.

Lee would not be able to head out in the morning, and I could give it a few hours before heading into my office.  Although I knew I would be within 150-200 yards of the known roosting trees on our place, I would not gain the slightest clue from the flock. No gobbling, no tree talk, no wing beats from fly-downs. For my efforts to get in long before daylight, I saw one hen glide out over a field and sail a half a mile down the hill.  I was amazed at all this as it was a beautiful morning, the air was still, and as the turkeys were, the smaller creatures were also silent in their presence.  Could not buy a gobble and had no idea where they went. Just the same, I was far more grateful for being there to witness the morning unfold in all its splendor.

Given this generous serving of solitude in the turkey woods, I had a lion’s share of these few hours before work to ponder and take it all in. 19 months earlier I had been in a coma, intubated, clinging to life by a thread, and given far less than Vegas odds to ever pull through. I had not forgotten being reduced to the bodily functions of a toddler which is an instant shot of humility. 61 years old at the time, it is a shock to the system and one’s psyche.

The weeks it took in recovery to even stand, much less walk, all the while tethered to an oxygen tank. There was no fall turkey season for me that year. I progressed enough to sit in a blind for deer season, eighty yards from our home the woods. Near the end of deer season, I could manage an ATV ride. Long walks were still far too much to ask for at the time. As one who espouses hunt all the way in and all the way back, it was a bit of a mental test to be limited this way. There were shot opportunities, but each one presented difficulty in long walks to retrieve. Not disappointed, as I was thrilled to be there. Each milestone in walking distance came with much effort, and I recall each in stark detail. Our place is in the hills of one of the seven valleys of Cortland, the northeastern leg. It is picturesque, one might claim breathtaking, and I do make that distinction. Point A to point B anywhere on our place involves a hill.

This morning in the cool, still air, of my own accord, I descended to a creek below our home and worked up the other side in the direction of my roosted quarry. Over the next three hours of the hunt, I covered a bit over a mile in hilly terrain, with no oxygen tank, in full confidence in going wherever I wanted to roam. Being given another chance at life, these moments are poignant, to be recognized how good it is to spend time in the turkey woods whether the gobblers participate in the chess match that day, or not.  

In recent years and with the decline of the turkey population in our town and especially on our ranch consisting of 138 acres, I literally haven’t spring hunted our place in four seasons for a lack of sightings or any gobbling. I would check it in the fall, only to decline filling a tag on a minimal-sized flock. I recently checked my notes and surprised myself by realizing that I haven’t taken a bird off our place since 2013. Since that time, the hunts there have been an exercise of melancholy, and to see how the flocks were doing. With a large flock spotted and thought to be in play, it is exciting to hunt our own place as it was twenty-some years ago.

Forever grateful…


© 2023 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

Pending #4 Record Beard in NY

Got the news today on a new pending record entry on an impressive gobbler taken yesterday morning by Dan Ladd of Fort Ann, NY. Dan is a well-known Adirondack deer hunter, book author, and current editor of New York Outdoor News. The gobbler was hunted in Warren County in the Adirondack Park and was actually one of two birds to come to Dan’s old Lynch World Champion box call. Dan often hunts mountain gobblers as his preferred hunting grounds and applies much of the same dedication to turkey hunting as he does for Adirondack whitetail deer.

photo credit- Dan Ladd

Dan’s mountain gobbler weighed in at 21lbs with  1” and 1-1/8” spurs. A double bearded gobbler with a 13.75” beard and a second beard coming in at 7-7/8” making it a non-typical record book entry. The bird scores as follows:

NWTF  Non Typical          85.6250               (weight x1) + (spurs total x10) + (beards total x2)

NWTF Typical                    69.750                 (weight x1) + (spurs total x10) + (beard x2)                         

SBP Non Typical                175.750               (weight x1) + (spurs total x32) + (beards total x4)

SBP Typical                        144.000               (weight x1) + (spurs total x32) + (beard total x4)

Longest beard of 13.7500″ ties at #4 in New York as published by and the current database maintained by Joyner Outdoor Media.

It is a current discussion as to protocol for measuring beards, what is considered an official entry. Those of you that have hunted for many years and taken plenty of birds will at some point come across a heavy bearded bird that has had some of the beard shot off or otherwise compromised from the outer pattern of the shot string.  It is important to note that how something is stated or reported is how we get into some of these red-in-the-face discussions as often evident in scoring deer, and wild turkey records is never very far from that observation.  As much as we here at Joyner Outdoor Media do deep dives into records, especially the book project, it’s fun stuff for us. Add $8 and our opinion and it will get you an almond milk pumpkin spice latte at your fav coffee shop. $2 for us regular folks at the local diner.

In my conversations with Dan, I got the rundown on the sequence of events, and is simple enough to not be a mutated and twisted story that sometimes attaches to record entries. In the case of this gobbler, Dan took pictures and measured the bird in keeping with NWTF guidelines and those republished and supported by, Joyner Outdoor Media, and the Empire State Limb Hangers book project.

As Dan ran his hand along the beard, the 14.5” bristle feather (yes, turkey beards are actually feathers, mesofiloplumes,) dislodged and appeared to be much shorter. With that bit of info, Dan checked the other strands of the beard with a firm grip to determine if solidly attached. This included the 13.75” length in question. What is of some controversy is that the 13.75” length bristle feather broke lose shy of an hour later. Given the handling breakage, it is not uncommon and a different and separate issue from slipped lengths within the beard itself. I have not heard any determination of the stated position on this from NWTF headquarters and surmise we will hear back if Dan sends in the entry form. In speaking with him, he wishes to convey that it is undetermined after firmly checking fully intact lengths and having it come out 45 minutes later and after all the handling off the bird. I had something similar happen in Ohio, and for several sweet minutes I had measured a beard stretching just shy of 17″. As I went to recheck the measurement in the field . The longest length came out and matched the 11.25″ beard. A prime example of a slipped bristle feather,

Without question, this is one hell of a record entry from New York, and a mountain bird to add to it. As Dan states he is fine with however it goes and is all about the experience. Although he goes on further to say that he likes the trophy aspects as many hunters do, even holding out depending on circumstance, it’s the hunt itself that matters most to him. If you follow his musings, you can keenly get a sense of that.

We do hope Dan submits his entry, and he has an open invitation to participate in the Empire State Limb Hangers book project.

Link to the New York Outdoor News Story-


© 2023 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

PR Book Release: Random Musings from the Left Hemisphere by Mike Joyner


Joyner Outdoor Media Proudly Announces the Book Release of Random Musings of The Left Hemisphere by Mike Joyner

CORTLAND, N.Y. – April 19, 2023 – The author’s latest book release is a collection of random musings made over the past decade in response to the many societal skirmishes and forays of maligned and upside-down positions taken by increasingly radical liberals and leftists of a divided country. The book features personal reflections and personal testimony of bearing witness to a profound event of survival. The new release is currently available in paperback, hardcover, and Kindle.

Publisher’s Summary – “Random Musings of The Left Hemisphere” is a collection of personal opinions, reflections, and epiphanies gained from decades of hands-on living. A worldview fully grounded in compassion and sound reasoning is expressed that in stark contrast, refutes common false narratives perpetuated by the far left, academia, and a sympathetic media that has abandoned professional journalism in favor of activism and influencer self-gratification. We are over-saturated with utopian thesis-driven views formulated in a vacuum and regurgitated in never-ending echo chambers.

The latest offering from the author is a unique departure from his well-known outdoor book titles. A random glimpse into the thoughts, and observations of a left hemisphere dominant thinker. As an engineer, awarded worldwide patents, a passionate outdoorsman, and conservative by nature, these attributes are a natural fit for the project. The reader will find a frank and honest rendering of ideas and observations to ponder and consider.

Hardcover, paperback books, and Kindle – available now on Amazon

Joyner can be made available for media requests by emailing:

For further information on the author:


© 2023 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

Joyner Outdoor Media New Website

A revamped and updated website has been rolled out and is now live. With supporting current books in print by author Mike Joyner, the various websites have been integrated to provide a consistent offering for each title. There are two more sections for works in progress and future novels that are in planning phases. Book Trailers and a few odds and ends are still left to complete and will be updated when available.

The new website uses the same domain name @

Book Projects- 2023 Update

Book Project Update-The following two projects have been long-term works in progress and are much different efforts than the storybooks that I write one chapter at a time, at random throughout the years, especially during hunting seasons. Some just appear to be at random once it is realized enough material is collected, and put aside to publish without any particular schedule. As these two large projects require large swaths of time to keep it all straight, with far too many moving parts, it takes much longer in the workflow that I have.

D.D. Adams- Evolutionary Turkey Call Pioneer, a long-awaited title. scheduled to be released this past summer has been pushed back after a recent snafu in source material permissions.

Empire State Limb Hangers– New York Wild Turkey Records, another long-awaited title, is pushed to an Winter 2023 release. Weekly progress on this. Still seeking those eligible to interview for the project, but a July 31, 2023 cutoff has to be a hard stop to make this happen.

Books in print:

Hills of Truxton: Stories & Travels of a Turkey Hunter 1.2 version is currently available online at Amazon and other online book stores in paperback, and kindle format. Hills Of Truxton  An audiobook is in production

Tales from the Turkey Woods: Mornings of My Better Days 1.2 version is currently available online at Amazon and other online book stores in hardcover, paperback, audiobook, and kindle format. Tales From The Turkey Woods

Grand Days in the Turkey Woods is currently available online at Amazon and other online book stores in Hardcover, paperback, audiobook, and kindle format. Grand Days In The Turkey Woods Hardcovers w/dustjacket can be found here:

Ten To Life- Delirium Tales Of A Covid-19 Survivor is currently available online at Amazon and other online book stores in hardcover, paperback, audiobook, and kindle format.

A Walk In The Turkey Woods- Wandering Thoughts and Revelations, the brand new release on 2/27/23 is currently available online at Amazon and other online book stores in hardcover, paperback, and Kindle.

An audiobook is currently in production with a spring 2023 release anticipated.

Future Projects:

Tales from The Roost, Roost ‘n Time Tales– Another turkey hunting stories book is likely to come out in 2023 and depends on a number of things coming together. I rough draft stories each season, so it is not absolute in the schedule. As a fourth storybook, it may be one of the last of those efforts. The seasons and memories have been so inspirational which continues to drive these titles.

Old Turkey Tree, Stories From The Turkey Woods– will be a collection of my favorites from each storybook title and a full-color edition will be offered in hardcover, paperback, audiobook, and kindle. That will come sometime after Roost ‘n Time Tales is published.

ReaperCide, Fatalism Defined– will tackle a controversial topic and include research materials collected for some time. This is a short effort when I ever get to it. It’s another project that will likely pop up after a few lazy weekends (rare) and I get to go back thru all the musings and edit it.

A wild turkey cookbook is a slow cooker, a work in progress, and will come out whenever I get to road-testing my hazardous culinary skills. If I survive that experiment, it will happen…

There are more slow-rolling book projects that pique my interest in pursuing, and I add bits and pieces to each project folder as they fit or strike me to capture at the moment. There are a few novel project ideas if I ever get to it.

Websites: On top of all that, a redesign of the Joyner Outdoor Media website is planned, It will integrate all the existing published books and will introduce each new book as it is released or slated for a release date. the home base at will also be completed and will solicit advertising to make the indulgence self-sufficient.


© 2023 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

Press Release: Book Release: A Walk In The Turkey Woods, Wandering Thoughts & Revelations by Mike Joyner 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 27, 2023

Cortland, NEW YORK – Joyner Outdoor Media announces the audiobook release of A Walk In The Turkey Woods, Wandering Thoughts & Revelations by McGraw resident Mike Joyner 

The author’s latest book release offers wild turkey hunters, call makers, contest-calling competitors, and those who simply adore this most elusive monarch, something very different than the “how to,” instructional manuals, or storytelling collections.  It is currently available in paperback, hardcover, and kindle. An audiobook is in production.

Publisher’s Summary – “A Walk In The Turkey Woods” is a collection of personal reflections, epiphanies, and revelations gained from countless days roaming the great forests of North America. Captured within this volume of work are short stories, poems, a turkey hunter’s prayer, reverso poetry, and passages deeply profound and personal to the author. This body of work is inspired by the perspective that comes with so much time spent in the grand turkey woods, and from the enjoyment of all God’s creatures within these great forests. To those that passionately engage in the time-honored and most natural pursuits, it is all too well known that the acts of downing quarry are a miniscule portion of what truly transpires and what lies within the heart, mind, and soul of a hunter.  

What a hunter experiences and holds dear to their hearts is entirely foreign to those that do not hunt.  As visitors, as voyeurs of wondrous places we feel at home and fully immersed in all that it is.” The passages within these pages convey what is well beyond the mechanics of strategies and techniques of outwitting our favored quarry. The conclusion of great and epic adventures is a satisfaction worthy of our efforts and concludes with so many memories to be had, and uplifting experiences in the natural world.

Hardcover, paperback books, and kindle – available now on Amazon

About Mike Joyner:

An avid turkey hunter for nearly a quarter century, Mike Joyner has been roaming the hills and woodlands of America stalking the elusive prey -wild turkey.  Joyner is a former president of the New York State Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation, serving from 1996 to 2005

A new book: D.D. Adams, Evolutionary Turkey Call Pioneer, is set to be released later this year. Mike is currently working on a 6th book entitled: Empire State Limb Hangers, New York Wild Turkey Records.

The author is also an owner of a technology company, and appears on dozens of US and Worldwide patents for video/image sensor innovations. He spends his quality time in his turkey woods sanctuary known as the “J” Ranch in McGraw, New York, where he lives with his wife Lee.  For more information on the author visit his personal website:


© 2023 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

NY Wild Turkey Records Book Project 2023

The Empire State Limb Hangers book project is coming to a hard stop for inclusion for the first edition. It has been a long time coming. Since significant life events this past late summer/fall, wrapping up large works and getting them to the finish line is a motivated focus. and will be released after the D.D Adams book. I have done what I can to gain interviews, including several state-wide tours. I can entertain a third interviewing tour this winter/spring.

An updated query of NWTF records is nearly done, and now looking at several turkey contests where the methods of measurement are known. I will entertain other contest data or personal data that can be verified, as apple-to-apples is the fairest way to compare.

Any new record entries are invited to be included, and if meeting the criteria listed, welcome to be interviewed. If you tag or have tagged a legally harvested gobbler in the past that meets the criteria listed at the end of this, I would love to interview you for inclusion in the project. Although your stories and photos will be captured for the book, you will retain all rights to your photos and your story. Should you wish to have the story I write up be used for other uses, Copyright permissions would be normal and expected for personal uses, commercial use can be reviewed for consideration.

The deadline for interviewing for the first edition will be July 31, 2023. contact me-

The following folks are sought to interview from known records:

Frank SpartanoNY13
Scott DavisPATypical14
Stanely Hall Jr.PATypical16
Robert KirkFLTypical21
Bryan StoneNYTypical21
Douglas LakowitzNJTypical22
Art FlickNYNon-Typical5
Scott SmithNYNon-Typical6
George WadeNYFall Non-Typical1
Terrance PierceNYFall Non-Typical2
Chad OrtmanPAFall Non-Typical3
Darrell EasterlyNYFall Typical1
Peter SchirrmacherNYFall Typical2
Eugene FrostNYFall Typical3
Dawn SeacrestPAFemale Typical5
Emily BowmanNYFemale Non-Typical1
Linda StylesNYFemale Non-Typical2

Book Release is slated for Fall, 2023.

The challenge with keeping it all legit for the project is typically weight as most of the common small scales that are used to weigh fish can vary +/- 1 lbs to 2 lbs or more. A weight coupon from a certified scale ensures accuracy and proof of measurement. Otherwise, it can be legitimately and reasonably challenged. The scale should be suitable for products or goods for sale that are taxed in the state.

Pictures with tape measurements in the pics are best to show scale for beards and spurs. There are several handy products to help measure spurs (including the curved outside edge) but as of this writing, none cover the spur measurements that have been described going back decades as published by the NWTF

Anecdotal evidence cannot be used to substantiate record book entries. If you think you have one for the books: weigh the gobbler on a certified scale and be sure to get a weight coupon. Take plenty of photos. NWTF requires witness signatures that also have to be an NWTF member if you wish to participate in their records program. Safari Club also has a program but is not viewable unless a current member. I may include them if details can be worked out in the future. I am accepting record entries not included in the NWTF system. Please note that the NWTF requires verifications that I have mentioned and will accept their determinations for the project. I do support their system and would encourage you to enter your submission with the NWTF as well. NWTF submissions are now accepted online:

Scoring tabulations for the project will include the NWTF system, and the SBP weighted system. for more info on SBP

For those that I have contacted or attempted to contact at the beginning of the project: Your stories will be available to review as I complete them. The book will not be published until each person reviews and provides feedback as to the accuracy and that no sensitive information that needs to be private remains as intended. Hunting location is often the consideration for discretion.

If you haven’t been interviewed and would like to be included, please contact me, I would love to include as many as possible that met the original score criteria.

There will be future editions as records are broken. For those I attempted to include in prior attempts, should you desire to catch up and be included in the project, that would be welcomed for future editions. Some hunters have passed on, and should their families or hunting partners have an interest in including them, please contact me directly. The more turkey hunters that come on board that I originally sought to interview, the better. Records are made to be broken, eclipsed, and expected.

If you have harvested a legally tagged wild turkey with one or more of the following attributes in NY during the 2022-2023 spring/fall seasons, or years prior, registered or not registered with NWTF records, I would love to talk to you about being included/interviewed in the book!

Please contact

Note: Non-registered birds- measurable attributes must be verified for consideration.

Typical score greater than 75.000 (weight x1 + beard x 2 + L & R spur x 10)

Non-Typical score greater than 105.000 (weight x1 + beard(s) x 2 + L & R spur(s) x 10)

Weight greater than 26.5 lbs. (verifiable certified weight)

Beard Length greater than 12″ (verifiable length)

Spur Length greater than 1.625″ (verifiable length)

Color phase variations and Hens with beards or spurs are notable stories for inclusion.


© 2023 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

Four Phases of a Turkey Hunt


© 2023 Joyner Outdoor Media

Books In Print Update

This is just an update on what’s available for current titles and small updates. As the printer now offers case laminate hardcovers, I have added this to current titles and will also do for future releases.

Hills of Truxton: Stories & Travels of a Turkey Hunter is currently available online at Amazon and other online bookstores in paperback, laminated hardcover, and kindle format.

A 1.2 version is the current print-on-demand book with a new cover, and the typical text corrections and small edits in an effort to follow in some semblance of the Queen’s English. The laminated hardcover 1.2 edition is now available.

An audiobook is underway for production to coincide with the 1.2 updates. a March is expected. Audiobook will be narrated by Tim Carper

A Hardcover Linen Wrap (Dust Jacket) offering is not scheduled at this time. Should there be demand for it, I may do a run of them. Updated 2/3/23

Paperback—–Hardcover—–Kindle—–Audiobook (coming soon)

Tales from the Turkey Woods: Mornings of My Better Days is currently available online at Amazon and other online bookstores in paperback, laminated hardcover, and kindle format.

A 1.2 version is the current print-on-demand book with a new cover, and the typical text corrections and small edits in an effort to follow in some semblance of the Queen’s English.

Although the original release featured a Hardcover Linen Wrap (Dust Jacket), the printer discontinued the service. A Hardcover Linen Wrap (Dust Jacket) offering is not scheduled at this time. Should there be demand for it, I may do a run of them.

Paperback—–Hardcover—– Kindle—–Audiobook Updated 2/23/23

Grand Days in the Turkey Woods is currently available online at Amazon and other online bookstores in paperback, laminated hardcover, kindle format, and Hardcover Linen Wrap (Dust Jacket). An audiobook is currently available. The audiobook is narrated by Tim Carper.

Paperback—–Hardcover—–Kindle—–Audiobook—–Hardcover w/dustjacket

Ten To Life- Delirium Tales Of A Covid-19 Survivor is currently available online at Amazon and other online bookstores in hardcover, paperback, and kindle format. An audiobook is currently available. The audiobook is narrated by Tim Carper.

A Hardcover Linen Wrap (Dust Jacket) offering is not scheduled at this time. Should there be demand for it, I may do a run of them.

Paperback—–Hardcover—–Kindle —–Audiobook


© 2022 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

Meaning Of Thanksgiving At The ‘J’ Ranch

What It Means to Celebrate Thanksgiving At The ‘J’ Ranch

As a holiday celebration that prominently features a turkey dinner feast, it is front and center in this author’s thoughts. Having had several medical “Hard Resets” in the past fourteen months, a celebration of “What am I thankful for,” has my undivided attention. Here at the ‘J’ Ranch, Joyner Outdoor Media, there is a long list of things to be thankful for. The shortlist for this grumpy old turkey hunter includes a good supply of gobblers to chase next season.

I am literally thankful to wake up each morning. Thankful for the love of a good woman, my children, grandchildren, family, and friends. I am thankful for a career that is peaking in years when most are retiring out. I am also thankful to be able to walk again under the stars of a Texas sky this past spring. Gaining back the stength to climb a ridge to be on the same level with a bird in the turkey woods is something I am so grateful for. I was nearly denied temporarily or could have turned out worse had my medical issues resolved differently.  Those are just highlighted ones; the list could run through several pages and my ability to recall them all.

This Thanksgiving will be observed in its full meaning here as I hope it will be at your home. Most years, a jake or jenny taken in the fall is featured as an essential part of our feast. My fall birds this year were taken in Missouri. The bounty will be enjoyed at Squaw Creek Lodge in Northwestern Missouri. It is a milestone as the first harvested gobblers taken there since the opening of the new outfitting business. At the “J’ Ranch we may use a bird taken this Spring in New York. It is our tradition to use a wild turkey for the thanksgiving feast or Christmas meal. Some years it is done for both holiday festivities.

This Thanksgiving, every holiday, truthfully every day, we rise to take on the day. We have much to be thankful for. Our lives are not perfect reflections of bedtime stories, romantic-themed movies, lofty ideals. It is seldom the fast-paced living on the edge, amps on 11 lifestyles. It sure looks good in a video and especially looks good on paper. Our lives twist and turn, we lose those we love. We are at times disappointed in ourselves. We can be discouraged by events. Sometimes let down in our expectations of others. It happens to all of us in varying degrees. It occurs at different times and places without regard to our stations in life.

We dust ourselves off from the imperfections, disappointments. We resolve the intentional or unintentional offensives and we take it on again the next day. That is the American spirit that we are proud to say. It is our common connection to others no matter where they come from.  We celebrate the good in our lives, in others, the special moments, and the successes.

Your crazy deranged relatives at the Thanksgiving dinner table are actually human by birth. You might be surprised to know they live, love, lose, worry, and suffer for the same reasons yourself. They take joy in spending a day with you in it. Having the company of others on this holiday is no more complicated than that. Some of you may accept the challenge.

With many followers and friends here on social media, there is a continual list of those to pray for. Some, for the most tragic of circumstances. There are those passed unexpectedly, afflicted by disease, severe medical issues or addictions. There are many reaching out, struggling with divorce, and those with broken or dysfunctional families. I am one of many who include you in our collective thoughts and prayers. It is a stark reminder of what blessings I may have and to not take them for granted. We can for at least a few brief moments be of comfort in our responses and our actions. Not facing your strife alone, to know others are rooting for you is the upside of being human.

It is my sincere wish that all of you enjoy a day with family and close friends. May your joy and love of others leave no room for/cast away the things that divide us. We can surely do without the hateful politics, and contrived drama far from our homes and hearts.

Happy Thanksgiving!


© 2022 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media