Tag: thanksgiving

Meaning Of Thanksgiving At The ‘J’ Ranch

What It Means to Celebrate Thanksgiving At The ‘J’ Ranch

As a holiday celebration that prominently features a turkey dinner feast, it is front and center in this author’s thoughts. Having had several medical “Hard Resets” in the past fourteen months, a celebration of “What am I thankful for,” has my undivided attention. Here at the ‘J’ Ranch, Joyner Outdoor Media, there is a long list of things to be thankful for. The shortlist for this grumpy old turkey hunter includes a good supply of gobblers to chase next season.

I am literally thankful to wake up each morning. Thankful for the love of a good woman, my children, grandchildren, family, and friends. I am thankful for a career that is peaking in years when most are retiring out. I am also thankful to be able to walk again under the stars of a Texas sky this past spring. Gaining back the stength to climb a ridge to be on the same level with a bird in the turkey woods is something I am so grateful for. I was nearly denied temporarily or could have turned out worse had my medical issues resolved differently.  Those are just highlighted ones; the list could run through several pages and my ability to recall them all.

This Thanksgiving will be observed in its full meaning here as I hope it will be at your home. Most years, a jake or jenny taken in the fall is featured as an essential part of our feast. My fall birds this year were taken in Missouri. The bounty will be enjoyed at Squaw Creek Lodge in Northwestern Missouri. It is a milestone as the first harvested gobblers taken there since the opening of the new outfitting business. At the “J’ Ranch we may use a bird taken this Spring in New York. It is our tradition to use a wild turkey for the thanksgiving feast or Christmas meal. Some years it is done for both holiday festivities.

This Thanksgiving, every holiday, truthfully every day, we rise to take on the day. We have much to be thankful for. Our lives are not perfect reflections of bedtime stories, romantic-themed movies, lofty ideals. It is seldom the fast-paced living on the edge, amps on 11 lifestyles. It sure looks good in a video and especially looks good on paper. Our lives twist and turn, we lose those we love. We are at times disappointed in ourselves. We can be discouraged by events. Sometimes let down in our expectations of others. It happens to all of us in varying degrees. It occurs at different times and places without regard to our stations in life.

We dust ourselves off from the imperfections, disappointments. We resolve the intentional or unintentional offensives and we take it on again the next day. That is the American spirit that we are proud to say. It is our common connection to others no matter where they come from.  We celebrate the good in our lives, in others, the special moments, and the successes.

Your crazy deranged relatives at the Thanksgiving dinner table are actually human by birth. You might be surprised to know they live, love, lose, worry, and suffer for the same reasons yourself. They take joy in spending a day with you in it. Having the company of others on this holiday is no more complicated than that. Some of you may accept the challenge.

With many followers and friends here on social media, there is a continual list of those to pray for. Some, for the most tragic of circumstances. There are those passed unexpectedly, afflicted by disease, severe medical issues or addictions. There are many reaching out, struggling with divorce, and those with broken or dysfunctional families. I am one of many who include you in our collective thoughts and prayers. It is a stark reminder of what blessings I may have and to not take them for granted. We can for at least a few brief moments be of comfort in our responses and our actions. Not facing your strife alone, to know others are rooting for you is the upside of being human.

It is my sincere wish that all of you enjoy a day with family and close friends. May your joy and love of others leave no room for/cast away the things that divide us. We can surely do without the hateful politics, and contrived drama far from our homes and hearts.

Happy Thanksgiving!


© 2022 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media