Tag: wildlife

Turkey Hunter Courtesies, Ethics, Refresher Course 101

New York State spring turkey regular season opens in a little more than a week away. With nearly three quarters of a million turkey tags spoken for it is a large group from all walks of life, experiences, and wild turkey pursuing skill levels. It is prudent to review some of the most basic desirable courtesies, ethics and humanities towards fellow turkey hunters, land owners and the quarry we seek. My comments are from a perspective of a quarter century of fall and spring seasons, many states, many tags filled. I do not fret about harvest success as the hunt provides so much in so many ways, and manage well enough to find the most foolish and the least intelligent gobblers to be had. My friends will back me on this.

Turkey Hunter Courtesies

As a dedicated aficionado of the time honored pastime you may have spent the entire winter observing flocks, taking notes on monster gobblers. As the annual breeding ritual repeats itself as it has through the centuries, you may track with much due diligence. The miles of boot leather locating roost trees, strutting zones, travel patterns both feathered and human, have you well prepared to lay out the most well engineered strategy. Your foolproof plan has you back at the diner by 6:15 AM opening day with a tagged bird in the truck and a story to tell.

Opening day at 4:30 AM, Elmer Fudd who hunts this very spot every year carrying the oldest known working blunderbuss of questionable suitability is viewed leaving his 1985 Ranger and is 50 yards in, waltzing down the very trailhead you are set on to begin your assault. What do you do?

Do the phrases of “well it’s public land, he don’t own it, I can go wherever I wan’t,” “I have permission from the landowner, just as much as he does, I’ll park right behind him,” or “Screw him, I’ll sneak around and set up between him and the roost” come to you as plausible choices? Read on:

  • An ethical and courteous hunter moves on to other hotspots to try. As a dedicated participant you have a long list of hot spots with known quantities of lusty gobblers with matching hen ratio. Pay it forward as you will benefit from the same courtesy. Your fellow brethren will have an unhindered set of circumstances to match wits with a gobbler. It is fair and reasonable to have the same for ourselves as we engage a mouthy gobbler.
  • Revisit the same spot later in the morning, as the hunter may leave after a few hours. It is a productive strategy to arrive later after the gobblers are done with their hens and reviewing possibilities they heard earlier. Birds worked at first light can be very eager after being warmed up. Think of it as 1:55 AM at your favorite bar and it’s last call. If it is going to happen the gobbler will be in a hurry to get to you.
  • Should you be of the persuasion that pulls up next to a truck already there and proceed to intrude on the hunter already set up you can rightfully be accused of unseemly poor behavior and lack common courtesy towards your fellow turkey hunting brethren. Over the years I have come across many exclaiming they will and can go anywhere they want to, period. On its face it is either ignorant or a form of harassment. If you find yourself at odds with this condemnation, during a much needed session of soul searching you seriously need to answer why your enjoyment of the turkeywoods should come at the expense of another.
  • Accosting  a hunter already in position working a gobbler or while intruding, attempting to out call, flank or simply bust the bird off of them is a deliberate act of contempt for a fellow hunter. If you find this to be judgemental, it is, no apologies
  • There are times an unintended intrusion occurs from more than one way to enter a set of woods or from those that run the ridges and cover appreciable distances in a given morning.  As a courteous turkey hunter when discovering you are intruding:
    • Assume first that hen talk is from a hunter, pay heed and respect.
    • Do not wave or issue turkey calls, assume motion or calling may be interpreted incorrectly, follow safety rules.
    • Back out quietly if safe to do so and without further disturbing the hunt.
    • If you cannot reasonably back out, stay your position and silently bear witness to the hunt in front of you.

Land Owner Courtesies

In a closely related topic, we as turkey hunters ought to be mindful of and respectful of the public grounds we are generously allowed to access as well as the private property of our friends, neighbors and of others with permissions to access their lands.

No signage is not a carte blanche invite with special privileges. If a posted sign or ask permission first sign reads as an invite to you, then my words are little more than annoying. Far too many land owners post their properties in response to those that disrespect their property rights. In New York you need to ask for landowner permission, whether signage is put up or not. Whether LEO’s or ECO’s will enforce the property rights laws on the books or whether a judge will toss it out, it is a breach of ethics. It may work as a loophole to get out of a fine, jail time or a difficult in your face encounter but you will leave making a bad impression on the land owner, and give us turkey hunter’s a black eye collectively.  Personally, I never have enjoyed hearing someone denied permission with the land owner stating “You turkey hunters…”

  • Visit prospective property owners off season, after season to gain permission, be courteous, be willing to help them out, volunteer to help with chores.
  • Showing up the week of the opener may result in more no’s than yes’s and it makes a poor impression.
  • Landowners want those they allow on their properties to be courteous and respectful of their lands during season and offseason. Building land owner relationships may result in a lifetime of access and opportunities that come from it. Make the effort. Taxes are very high in New York. Trust me, as a landowner, offers to help relieve any long list of chores are appreciated.
  • What ever permission your 3rd, twice removed cousin or great great grandfather’s high school buddy had to a property has no relevance in law or ethical perspective of permissions to hunt. Unless you hold the title, pay the taxes, whatever anyone in your tribe may have done or had access to decades ago or over the many owners from changing hands is irrelevant, entirely moot.
  • Leave gates as you find them, a farmer will more than appreciate it.
  • Use common sense when using your truck, atv, utv as you’ll sour your privileges in a hurry if you tear up a clover field, or freshly planted cornfield.
  • Treat others you come across (unless determine to be trespassing) as you would the landowner.
  • You are being afforded access to tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of prime forests and fields. it is a generous privilege. Let that be the basis for any actions or thoughts you may entertain. On public ground it is the same, but overseen by those we elect to manage it. In New York we have access to thousands of acres of hunting lands and waterways to fish. Treat it as the great resource it is and that we all enjoy.
  • If the way you treat other hunters or conduct yourself varies according to hunting private vs. public lands you may not have the best intentions. Ethics are not defined by any map program I am aware of.
  • Diplomacy and good will is always warranted as you are a guest. It is essential even in the most difficult situations that arise from friends of the landowner, often times from loose definitions of family. Your ego or perceived rights are quickly refuted and revoked in a denial of permissions should you fail the wisdom in this. A landowner is not obligated to be a referee nor signed up to endure headaches over your privilege or that of others.
  • On public grounds even the most difficult personalities merit diplomacy and effort to calm things down. If Illegal acts are involved an ECO can do the job required, if rude and inappropriate you may not persuade them to remorse and correction of their errant ways. You are not the Jackass whisperer, and it does you no good service if one cannot tell whom the jackass is during a dispute or altercation. Take the high road… Always.

Respect Of Your Quarry 

What is sometimes very controversial is ethics of hunting methods. My intent here concerns a clean ethical kill/harvest, safety, care of table fare. Methods are varied in both ethical perceptions and legal and civil penalties by states, and regions. My negative opinion on reaping and fanning does not ring true for the massive open fields in the midwest, just as feeders in the regions of south Texas are not allowed up north. Unless you get off the keyboard, give your pro hunter rhetoric a break and lay down some boot leather in many of the places gobblers roam, you may find other perspectives to be foreign and difficult to comprehend much less understand.

As an observer of wildlife in a most inspired way, it is a respect for and in awe of all god’s creatures. As stewards of our lands, and our role in the natural order of living things I firmly assert that it is the time honored pursuit of hunting that dates further back than recorded history. It is a reverent respect that is appropriate. Our quarry perishes in that pursuit and becomes sustenance for our bodies, and in keeping with grand design as hunter gatherers. As ethical hunters we conduct ourselves in a sense of fair chase vs. filling a shopping cart at the local Piggly Wiggly, or up North at the local Wegmans or Price Chopper (no endorsements intended or implied)

Vegans claim that animals are not utilized or perish in their diets, but under a more thorough review the claim falls short when examining what wildlife habitat is altered/eliminated and what “pests” are exterminated to provide the gathering side of our diets. The equation is not so straight forward to produce consumables. The “Air Diet” has not gained that much in popularity.

As an ethical hunter and in the concepts of fair chase you owe it to the quarry you chase:

  • Fully pattern your shotgun or dial in your archery tackle to produce a decisive clean kill at a known distance that you can reliably repeat.
  • Expend any effort to reduce probability of equipment failure by maintenance, and routine pattern testing well before opening day.
  • Acquaint yourself to become expert with distance estimation. Rangefinders are effective tools to reaffirm your estimates.
  • Hail Mary or a golden BB as promoted by long shots and must kill by any means and all costs as a decision is a lack of respect and a willingness to gamble at far lesser odds that you will not maim, or mortally wound to die later. It is in many ways reprehensible and a confliction of misguided ego.
  • Should you wound a gobbler which is not a desired event for any ethical hunter, you owe every effort to recover and bring a swift end to a less than decisively lethal shot if required.
  • As an ethical hunter. legal hunting hours, applicable games laws, legal hunting methods, and safe weapon handling is followed and expected of others.
  • A clean decisive kill requires clear sight picture of the head and neck, or commonly known as the boiler room containing vital organs of heart and lungs, Sight picture to also include a clear and safe foreground and background. You owe me that. I owe you the same.
  • Sound or shadow shooting is in plain english unsafe, reckless and unethical. It is also an act of negligence.
  • Take proper care of the game animal to produce the best possible table fare. as it is a precious resource.
  • As a gobbler’s behavior is governed by thousands of years of honed instinct, a will to outwit all known predators, you will not win the day each time afield if measured by the kill. Over time, your reverence, your learned respect, it will be revealed the hunt itself is the reason you are there…

To hunt and fish in my home state of New York is a privilege that after all these years I am still in awe of. The perspective that I express here in reviewing some of the basics comes from many sunrises in the turkey woods. The hefty feathered carries over my shoulder while returning home, chasing turkeys in the snow over an excited weimaraner, and far too many days to count of just resting up against a towering maple, taking it all in, are all in part of being at peace with my surroundings. In that perspective, the reverence, respect and regard for the feathered monarchs of the turkeywoods and my fellow turkey hunters is a most natural thing.


© 2018 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

.  #turkeyhunting #oldturkeyhunter #wildturkey #turkeywoods #respect #ethics #courtesy

A Whitetail Season Opening Day- Final Season… Almost

Opening weekend of the Southern Tier whitetail firearms season is now in the books. Judging from social media posts, there are a lot of happy hunters out there. I’d say the taxidermy business might have a good year also. It is a bit odd for an opener that has gone from t-shirt weather to near blizzard conditions on Sunday late morning.

I was able to hunt the morning and late afternoon and a few hours Sunday morning, as has been the norm in recent years, work limits my other otherwise die hard desire to go at it from before sun rise to after sunset. In early ahead of the crowd, Out late as to not bump any deer on the way out. Still I am thankful for work and being gainfully employed.

Stan Sawicki, our good friend, scored early in the first hour with a nice 8 point buck on the ‘J’ Ranch. My wife saw deer throughout the morning. I would eventually lay eyes on a monster buck at 10 am, which provides a very different story as follows…

Going on towards 10 AM, I had yet to see a deer from a favorite stand. Over the years it has been deemed a meat stand as it covers several well used deer paths with nearby scrapes and rubs, and well known escape routes when bumped by other hunters on adjoining properties. This year not so much. It was getting warm out, time to retrieve Stan’s buck, and get him out of the woods to be taken care of. I got down, and slow hunted my way over to and down a ravine to the main creek on our property. Our ATV was parked above the creek on the other side. Having bulldozed a path some years ago, it makes for a convenient spot to park it. Where we cross the creek has several smaller ravines and feeder creeks meeting up together there. Deer cross the same spot for much of the same reasons.

As I neared the bottom, I got a phone call that a buck was just shot nearby. Having heard the shot, I thought Stan or Lee may have shot.  While on the phone I thought I had heard something, only to look up to see a monster buck coming up over the knoll not 15 yards away and coming straight at me. I had no where to go, as he would pile drive me 20 yards further to the creek just below me. Given that his rack was 5-6″ out past each ear, with long dog catchers (brow tines) and impressively long G2-G3 tines,  I would not survive the imminent impaling. For an immeasurably short moment in time, It would be my final moments. The pure power of such a large buck was breathtaking at the same time.

I dropped the phone, and awkwardly went to retreive my 30-06 from my shoulder. The buck then threw out his front legs in an effort to stop as he didn’t like this big ugly hunter in his path, and maybe just as startled as I was. His lower jaw nearly touch the ground as he slid. He came down the knoll with so much power that his hind end came around the side and up over, basically flipping over, swapping ends for a lack of a more precise description. He slammed down in front of me at less than 5 paces. Aside from being a bit more than thankful for not being driven to the creek and ventilated in 5 or 6 places, this bizarre and violent circumstance was his finally moment before piling up… not.

As quickly as he went down, he was back on his feet, motoring back up the hill. Having finally got the gun up I found his leading edge of his chest, and shot. Never touched him, but I can center punch a sapling like nobody’s business. I could not get back on him again as he traveled up and over. I found the blood trail coming down the hill, where he went down, and back up. Mostly a few drops here and there. After meeting up with the hunter (shall remain nameless) that put this all into motion, we tracked the deer for several hours, out into a 100 acre crop field and down to the river. Finally determined it to be a flesh wound. Upsetting to wound and lose a deer, but merely disrupted him from chasing does. Hope to see him again in more ballistic friendly circumstances.

Lee and I went back out later that afternoon before the storm came in. We both passed on a fork horn buck that went by both of us a half hour before legal sunset. Uneventful sit by any comparisons of the day. It is about as excited, elated as I might possible get while totally terrified, and fearing my last moments given a fateful brief moment in time. I am humbled and thankful that this was not my last day of deer hunting, and your learning of this from a memorial page. In all my 32 years of hunting whitetails this was a first. I have heard stories from others of rutting bucks aggressively coming at them, either on purpose or incidentally while giving chase on a hot doe. I know a neighbor that dropped an aggressive buck just mere feet in front of him, at closer range than my encounter. That buck did not get back up…

Good luck to all of you for the remaining days of the season and that your whitetail close encounters be less precarious than what you have read here of mine.



© 2016 Joyner Outdoor Media



Wildlife Energy Drink Review

I was recently sent a generous sample package of the 16oz drink product, and 2oz shots from Wildlife Energy for a web contest sponsored by The Sportsman Channel. I thought I would give a review, especially in the light of the fact that I really like the product. Currently I use other competitor products such as Red Bull, Monster, and Amp. Generally, I prefer the low calorie offerings. I found the taste to be similar to the competitor products. You either like them or you don’t. I do, in fact I liked it better than other products. It gives the user an energy boost as you would expect to find in similar products. I found it to be every bit as good as advertised. This is good stuff. Great pick up, without the caffeine headache and jitters you get with too much coffee. You can get that with this product also, but you would have to take way more of it than you should ever need. One of these should do it for you all day. It does help with endurance, focus, and does so without the bonk you get with sugared sodas. Like anything you might use, you don’t want to overdo it with energy drinks. Having a good pick up is what you want, not to be way over edgy. Chasing gobblers while running ridges here in Cortland County all of May, runs me down, especially by the third and fourth weeks of the season. This is a great product to have on hand. I also run, and participate in multisports. The offerings from Wildlife energy will work very well for those pursuits. I gave the 2 oz shot product a test trial before a three mile run today with my two weimaraners, and found it to be a good pick me up, without overdoing it. Which is a good thing as my dogs love to run. During my day job I work as an CMOS Imager Design & Layout Engineer, looking at two 24” screens all day. Too much coffee is an all too common occurrence. Wildlife energy drink is a perfect alternative to stay focused and on top of your game without the side effects of too much Java. From their website one should note: Purchasing Wildlife Energy Drink, consumers are also helping to support Wildlife Conservation projects. Wildlife Energy Drink annually donates a portion of its proceeds to outdoor conservation programs. That is a win-win for all of us. If you use energy drinks or thinking on giving them a try I recommend the product from Wildlife Energy, and urge you to give them a try!