A Turkey Hunter’s 55

As the title calls out, yes, I’m a self proclaimed turkey hunter, and yes, I have now turned the corner on 55. AARP has me in their crosshairs.

In an earlier blog post I commented on my feelings while approaching 55. Random, almost 55……5 weeks to Opening Day  those thoughts are still in play and valid for me.

As a turkey hunter, the birthday milestone passes by as do the spring and fall seasons. I truly do not fret about aging, but rather seek affirmation of a simple desire, an answer to a simple question. I care not so much about my youth, but more so about my youthfulness. Can I do, participate, enjoy the important things in my life? My family, the work that I do as an engineer, as a writer, and for purposes of this post, can I chase wild turkeys with the determination, passion, and with reckless abandon that I so love to do?

At the arrival of official senior status the answer is a resounding yes!  I am blessed and spoiled to a fault with good health. No sigificant health issues or maladies so common with my age group, older and younger. I do desire to bring my weight down to get back to racing: running and triathlons, and I’ll get there. Good news, I’ll be chasing gobblers this spring, and for many more seasons, God willing. Maybe not so good for gobblers…

As a  turkey hunter I am at peace with the natural order of things. My days in the great turkey woods teachs many things, life’s lessons, and gives me the quality time to ponder the what, why, how come it is this way.  I for one am very grateful for my many blessings and for the 55 years I have had so far living a full life.

The day will be spent working most of it, and we’ll celebrate at home with a fine meal, and a shot or two of wild turkey whiskey. The toast in all honesty will not be in honor of my birthday. From the heart, I will raise my glass to family, and all those in my life that I have shared or crossed paths with. For it is because of all of you it has enriched my experiences and helped to make it a life worth living!

A big thank you for all the birthday wishes. To many more years, and I  wish the same for all of you!

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